Dot Bunn is a full time studio oil painter with a deep passion for teaching traditional methods of painting. She believes that “good paintings are the result of intelligent planning and the endless study of technique and process.” Bunn’s paintings are thoughtfully developed by design, with preliminary drawings using traditional methods of composition built on the geometry of rectangles, much the same as was done by painters dating back to the Renaissance. She enjoys the challenge of building a composition that works two dimensionally while depicting reality.

For Bunn, no place feels more natural to her than being in her studio. “Each oil painting is a unique experience. First there is inspiration from something you see or something you dream. Then you work to grow the seed of an idea through drawing and redrawing till you begin to capture what it was that excited you. You are making a visual poem about your life experience. The smell of oil and the beauty of colors on the palette are like old friends encouraging you to do your best. Every painting is a process of discovery and through discovery we move forward. There is no such thing as having learned all there is to learn about making art.”

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