About Pamela Agin:

Pam is a self-taught artist for the most part. She has, however, learned a lot through many online and local art classes along the way, through art books, and a lot of trial and error.  She has been actively creating art and growing her artistic expression over the last eight years.  She started by learning to draw, then painting with acrylics on canvas and moving on to gouache.  Initially, Pam aspired to become a botanical illustrator, but to her surprise, she was called to collage and abstract collage works. She fell in love with the composition and process and loves creating and finding paper for her works.  Her papers are created from designs using ink, acrylic paint, Gelli-plate printing, sanding magazine pieces, and even reusing old collage pieces.

Artist Statement:

I am a contemporary collage artist who embraces abstraction, and my pieces are created intuitivelyI feel my way through my creation with very little forethoughtI choose the colors for each piece from papers I have previously created and stored.  My excitement grows as I rifle through my papers, laying them on my art table.  Sometimes, I assemble some basic pieces on the watercolor paper before tacking them down with a clothes iron; other times, I “go for it,” and tack them down as I go, like taking a drive to an unknown destination.  My excitement grows as my piece takes shape, creating with no real expectation.  After the collage is assembled, I usually add hand-drawn or painted marks and splatters of paint or ink, just creating as I go and feeling my way through my piece.  I allow the process to unfold, but I can also recognize when the piece is “finished,” having arrived at my unknown destination with the joy of taking the trip. 

New Brunswick Art Salon 2023 Watercolor and Mixed Media “See the Forest for the Trees”


Email: Ellen732@aol.com

Phone: (732)407-0778

Instagram: www.instagram.com/pamela.agin.art/