About Darina Bout

Darina Bout has been jumping between a variety of mediums since youth, experimenting with drawing, painting, 35mm film, digital, and video. A data professional by day, and an adventurer by any other time she can find, she aims to capture the gems of this strange and wonderful world.

Darina Bout has tested a variety of media since youth, experimenting with everything from drawing, painting, photography and video. Working as a data  professional by day and living as an adventurer by any other time she can find, she aims to capture the gems of the strange and wonderful world around us. 

Darina leverages photography to capture nature’s finest works, traveling the world to seize the striking displays of diversity visible in every colorful corner of the globe. Through her travels, Bout documents the organic, varied features of our planet that have endured the tests of time. Her photographic work immortalizes these landscapes, which mirrors their apparent permanence in the natural world. The dramatic vistas she depicts through her photographs highlight the grandiosity of the planet’s natural architecture, dwarfing the scope and scale of our own limited human existence. 

The series of photos featured in this exhibition was captured from the glaciers of New Zealand, and the title of each image comprises the line of a haiku. “Endless waves abound, a temporary solace, grandeur to be lost.”

Artists Statement

I leverage photography to capture nature’s finest work. In traveling the world, I attempt to seize the stunning array of diversity and colour seen in every corner, and draw attention to landscapes that have withstood the test of time.


Artists Personal Website: darinabout.com

Email: boutdarina@gmail.com